
Stamina - Physical Endurance

Physical Stamina

How tough is Batman? - Extraordinary feats that showcase Batman's ability to endure pain and his resiliency 

Can go for days without sleep:

- Man of Steel #3


- Batman #643


- Batman #645


- Batman & Nightwing #23


- Gone 4 days without sleep AND food (Joker's Apprentice)


Trained his body to compress a full night's rest into 3 hours (Detective Comics #776)


After training 9 months "somewhere in the Himalayas" with Shihan Matsusa, known to be one of the greatest zen warrior monks, he is able to master Tummo meditation ("elemental battle between ice and blood" that takes place while he is meditating nearly naked outside), actually melting the ice he is sitting on (Detective Comics v2 #0)


Upset due to his remembering himself as he was when his parents died, a young Bruce (still a rookie Batman) throws a punch to what appears to be a crystal glass wall. Not only does he put a huge dent in it but he also seems totally unconcerned by having glass stuck in his hand and bleeding badly showing no expression of pain (Batman: Tenses #1)


In his Bruce Wayne persona, he undertakes a stress test and shows that he's in perfect physical condition with no stress whatsoever which according to the doctor should be impossible especially given his professional position (Batman: Tenses #2)


Putting himself through an intense hour long exercise routine that's said might kill any other man yet it still leaves him unsatisfied and wanting to do more before he's interrupted (Detective Comics #526)


While in 137 degrees heat with only workout shorts on, he's shown doing one arm pull ups (for an untold amount of time) off his helipad that's on top of his Wayne building Skyscraper with no safety gear to catch him if he falls and even quickly switches to the other arm once he slips off due the built up sweat in his hand (Batman Rebirth #1)


While still in his training years before he became Batman, Bruce fought for 28 hours straight in a gauntlet with death match rules and won against every opponent thrown inside the pit with him without killing them. In attempt to teach him a lesson and get him to break his no kill code, "The Queen" (his combat teacher/sensei at the time) sends a mob of fighters against him only to see them all defeated with the rest too scared to step inside the pit and fight him after witnessing just how tough he is and what he's capable of which ends the gauntlet (Batman v2 #23 - Backup Tale)


A young Bruce Wayne (just before he became Batman) is shot by a sniper rifle from Morgan Duncard (aka Nobody the son of the legendary manhunter/mercernary Henri Duncard) and was able to avoid a fatal wound due to spotting Morgan's sniper rifle just in time beforehand and act accordingly. Despite his wound, Bruce still catches up with Morgan before he's able to make his escape in a speeding car then roughly beats him down. Be sure see their other battles as shown in the Good Showings (Street Level Fighters), Martial Arts (Battles), and Strategy/Tactics (Meta Humans/Super Powered) webpages on the site (Batman & Robin v2 #6)


Zero Year

Batman v2 #26-27

- While still in his rookie year and wearing much less durable body armor (then what he wears currently), he's ambushed and shot multiple times by the GCPD even through his cowl which shows him suffering through immense blood loss from his head


- Attempting to escape on his boat it turns out its been booby trapped with an explosive that he impressively withstands despite all the punishment he's already taken as proven when he's shown quickly recovering from the explosive blast and then running cover while being shot at


- Cleverly thinks of a way to escape the death trap that the GCPD setup for him and with some help from Gordon he's then able to get away completely


Withstands some punishment from Clayface without his batsuit plus proves capable of holding his breath for over 7 minutes long after being swallowed whole by Clayface (Batman v2 #20)


Willingly lets Superman use his heat vision to burn a microchip tracking device out of his skull then gets right back up like its nothing (Batman #619)


Despite being having not slept for a week, being heavily drugged, tortured, and chained up by his wrists he's still able to break a metal water pipe in half, free himself, and then put a stop to Deacon Blackfire's plans (Batman Eternal #17)


Despite being tortured by the 3rd Batman replacement (now Azrael/Michael Lane), he's able to escape from his bonds by dislocating his arm out of his sleeve giving him the chance to get free then get the upper hand as well even while weakened (Batman #674)


Bats is tied to an electro-chair and while his costume's insulation makes sure this experience doesn't prove lethal, it's Batman's determination and stamina that allows him to withstand the intense pain the shocks cause him (especially when Joker seemingly increases the voltage) long enough to break free (Detective Comics #834)


Unexpectedly goes into a lethal 30 story high freefall and still manages to break his fall in time only coming out with a dislocated shoulder which is popped back into place with Bruce showing no expression of pain (Batman #592)


Stops himself while rapidly free falling from a extremely lethal height by clinging onto 2 wide open buildings from opposite sides using the embedded grappling hooks in his gauntlet gloves. Despite the force of catching/stopping himself from such a lethal free fall being strong enough to rip his arms off he's still very impressively able to hold on using brute strength although in great pain (The Dark Knight v2 #29)


Despite being caught inside a building that's blown apart by a missile with a ton of debris burying him, he's still seen coming out of it just fine without any injures (while the other men that were inside are dead) as Nightwing comes along to help out. (Batman #436-437)


Willingly buries himself in the earth in order for the "beast within to emerge" as he's seen also busting out from under the ground with brute strength (Batman City of Light #5-6)


Despite having to free himself from a straitjacket and bench press a coffin lid through 600 pounds of loose soil that's suffocating him, he's still able to break free from his own grave (literally). All this while not being in top shape to begin with due to not having rested in days, having been subjected to drugs, and being dosed with the Joker's new Venom toxin without time to properly recover (Batman #681)


Withstands a lethal amount of built up air pressure just long enough for it to bust both Tim and himself free saving Robin (who passes out due to the pressure) in the process (Detective Comics #700)


Diving and swimming under freezing water temperate for a little over 6 minutes despite previously mentioning that the limit his heart would be able to withstand is 4 minutes. In doing so, he's not only able to still achieve his goal in foiling Calendar Man's deadly plan but also ride the explosive blast he caused out of the freezing water surpassing his own expectations/limits and proving his apprentice Duke Thomas (We Are Robin) wrong (Batman Rebirth #1)


Withstands the vacuum of space for 24 seconds and was willing to go further until J'onn/Martian Manhunter shuts down the training exercise out of concern (JLA: Welcome to the Working Week)


Despite being unknowingly weakened by the lethal Colossus virus he's still not only able to withstand punishment from Killer Croc (who's much more powerful due being enhanced by the Hush virus here) but also still defeat Croc with raw skill (Batman: Europa #1)


Able to defeat a venom enhanced Bane in melee combat despite being infected with the Colossus virus that is killing him and has already badly weakened him since its been in his body longer now (Batman: Europa #4)


The Dark Knight v2 #5-7

- Is injected by Bane's very powerful new venom toxin by Scarecrow


- As a result he loses control and attacks Superman who's come to help him out. We're then able to see how powerful Bane's venom toxin is as Bruce is shown powerful enough to hurt even the Man of Steel who's forced to go all out in order to stop The Dark Knight


- Helping him back on his feet, Superman offers to get him medical attention with Bruce refusing who then sends him after the Flash while he decides to chase down the White Rabbit


- Still not recovered from his fight with Superman, he's shortly afterward ambushed by Bane now pumped up on the same super powerful venom toxin he just was injected with only Bane is now also smarter because of the venom toxin. Despite not being at peak condition and proving to be no match for Bane, he's still impressively able to withstand every attack Bane hits him with and even fights his way back to his feet (using a gadget) then cleverly uses his stealth/speed to escape in order to come up with a plan


Impressively withstands Bane's very powerful attacks who's naturally a metahuman plus greatly enhanced with Venom and yet still decisively defeats him in melee combat (Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs Bane)


Dosed with a very potent fear toxin from the Scarebeast (Scarecrow turned into a monter) while being choked to death, Batman fights off the effects of the toxin in time to break Scarebeast's super strong grip then escape (Batman #629)


Allows himself to be bitten in the chest and suffer through massive blood loss for the sake of letting Man-Bat (Abraham Langstrom the father of Kirk Langstrom) drink the anti-dote that he's injected into his own bloodstream in order to cure Man-Bat who's skin was too durable to penetrate with a needle much moreso than a regular Man-Bat. Impressively, Batman is not only able to endure through this but also quickly get up afterwards once the anti-dote has worked then subdue Abraham Langstrom for the police to take into custody (The Dark Knight v2 #29)


Is ambushed by Dollmaker's surgically modified doll men and injected with a paralytic drug that completely numbs the entire left side of his body yet he's still able to withstand all their punishment including being hit by a sledgehammer in the back and still defeats them (Detective Comics v2 #2-3)


Survives a reinforced trapped room full of poisonous gas after defeating 3 of Ra's Al Ghul's finest assassins although barely alive and unconscious (Batman Chronicles #8)


Batman Birth of the Demon

- After taking out all the men but one on the digging site, Batman mistakenly lets his guard down around one who succeeds in knocking him down into toxic waste grounds.


- As a result of being exposed to the toxic waste, Bruce has become noticeably ill with a serious high fever as we see Alfred, Talia, and Ra's point out how sick he appears.


- Despite his illness, Bruce goes on to fight Ra's Al Ghul (who hasn't had a dip in the lazarus pit so he wasn't in his typical prime form either) in a brutal battle where they're both severally burned as they fight in fire for a short period of time with neither showing no signs of pain and Bruce managing to get the upper hand. We then see Bruce manage to yet again get the upper hand as he successfully fends off Ra's attack despite being blinded by the wind of sand. With Bruce still blinded however, Ra's takes advantage of the opening taking Bruce down with the shovel nearby then impaling the shovel seemingly to his heart. However, through an inhuman act of stamina and willpower, The Dark Knight rises and wrestles Ra's into the lazarus pit close by ending their battle in a stalemate. We then see Bruce is completely healed as a result of being inside the lazarus pit as he rises out of the sand that he's buried in


Batman The Chalice

- Is attacked by a team of League of Assassins soldiers including Ubu who proves strong enough to crush his rib cage but still wins


- Despite the gauntlet he just ran and having an injured ribs he fights Ra's Al Ghul to a stalemate before their fight is broken up by Talia and stabbed with Ra's' broken Damascus sword causing him to bleed out but is still standing in the end (Batman The Chalice)


Withstands a ton of punishment from The Sensei (who's had centuries to perfect his martial arts skill) with his arm and fingers getting broken, being blinded, even impaled and yet he's still able to impressively fight on and outsmart The Sensei to win the fight. Batman also proves The Sensei wrong about it only taking 1 minute to break him (Batman #671)


Court of Owls - Batman v2 #2-6 (2011-2012)

- While at the highest level in the Wayne Tower (30 stories high), Bruce is ambushed by the super human assassin known as the Talon who hits Bruce's vital areas with throwing knives causing him to bleed out then is kicked out an "unbreakable" window


- While free-falling, Bruce gets further wounded from the assassin's claws.


- Still, Bats is able to take Talon out and then break his fall by grabbing the gargoyle (displaying amazing strength and endurance) located in the middle of the building and, later, he is shown still standing and talking with the cops


- As the mayoral candidate will confirm 2 days later, Bruce is at the 30th story of the tower when he is attacked


- After many days without resting and chasing down leads, Alfred resorts to slip Bruce a drug (and, judging by Dick's reaction, not a small dose, either) in order to get him to rest without much success


- Later on, while investigating the Court Of Owls, he is ambushed by the Talon (William Cobb), who sends him crashing into the Court's hideout


- Batman stays there for more than a week, tortured psychologically by the Court, forced to wade multiple times through the labyrinth while being chased by the Talon, ending up hallucinating because the only source of water is drugged, until the Talon catches up with him and stabs him through the guts


- Then, Talon proceeds to give him a beating at the behest of the Court, who then comes to finish him


- Despite going through this ordeal, the Dark Knight is able to fend off the Court, soundly defeat Talon and make his escape (withstanding an explosion he himself causes, in the process)


Still badly weakened & recovering from his recent encounter while trapped inside the Court of Owls Labyrinth, he's unexpectedly ambushed inside Wayne Manor by four Talons. He's shown quickly taking down a Talon with a kick then impales another down by pinning the Talon to the roof tiles (Batman v2 #8)


After being briefly overpowered with his battle armor broken up and blacking out he quickly recovers highly motivated once the bats hiding within the batcave come out. Impressively, we then see him taking out 4 remaining Talons while enduring -20 cold temperature (which affects the Talons) despite still being badly hurt already (as noted by Alfred who's monitoring his vital signs) yet ultimately shows no sign of weakness. The last picture was added just because it's awesome and funny btw :D. (Batman v2 #9)


Court of Owls Conclusion 

Batman v2 #11 

Vs Lincoln March (calls himself Thomas Wayne Jr.) - A Talon who has a high tech Talon designed power suit & weaponry specially created to rival or exceed Batman's equipment/gear.

- Is roughly tossed through a brick wall then at high speed flight he's forcefully dragged around by a cable line in midair as he's thrown very hard into skyscraper windows and forcefully flown through a building only to be then roughly thrown into a giant bell


- Afterwards he's flown very high into the sky while still hanging on via cable line as he's then let go into an airplane jet engine that threatens to fatally suck him in yet still survives by impressively holding on through raw strength. We then see that he's already planted a mini explosive on Lincoln March/Talon in advance that's powerful enough to take Talon out (briefly) which freely allows him to climb/move away from the airplane jet engine onto the airplane jet wing then lets go once he's unable to hold on any longer sending him into a lethal freefall


- Suffers through a very bad landing (and is barely conscious as a result) into his Initiative Tower via his high velocity bat rope after lethally free-falling from thousands of feet in the air from the same airplane. While inside the tower we then see him survive the tower being destroyed via explosives and almost being buried alive inside the wreckage after it collapses. In the end, we see him brutally eye-gouging Talon/Lincoln March to escape and leaves him helpless to be "killed" inside the exposing building although its made known that Lincoln March would survive due to his regenerative Talon healing factor


- The result of this large amount of punishment he's withstood only leaves him in some bandages and a wheelchair that he's still impressively able to get up from and walk around after a lengthy conversation with Dick Grayson/Nightwing which shows just how unbelievably tough the Dark Knight truly is both mentally and physically


Batman Endgame Conclusion 

Batman v2 #40 

Vs The Joker - The Joker is enhanced with Dionesium in this entire story arc which is a formula similar to what Talon's use that makes them super human in addition to providing a healing factor.

Is ambushed by the Joker and engages in their most brutal battle yet having withstood multiple stab wounds to the back, lethal razor sharp cards thrown into his eye and arms, acid to the mouth, and a long fall down a cliff while wrestling with the Joker. In the end although very badly injured Bruce is able to maneuver the Joker into a position to be taken down by a falling cave stalactite in the back then prevents the Joker from reaching the pit of Dionesium as they both lay there bloody and beaten


Withstands the leopard blow death strike technique to the face by rolling with the hit and is only stunned as a result. He's then shown quickly right back up on his feet attempting to chase down his skilled attacker (Detective Comics #443)


JLA Classified #19-21

- Batman has to fight Jin Si (one of the Hypotheticals), who is created to be the living incarnation of hand to hand combat and undefeatable by anything


- Despite being clearly outmatched & on the losing end, taking significant damage (broken bones), and is also busy strategizing against Tuzik & coordinating the other Leaguers, he is able to continue fighting for an extended period of time until Flash takes care of Jin Si for him showcasing just how good he is at multitasking and still getting the job done


- Not only is the Dark Knight is still conscious at the end of the clash, but he is functional enough to take out Soldat (leader of the Hypothetical) and help Superman take out the pocket universe Kryptonian criminals' replicas created by Ghost Lion (spectral summoner of the Hypotheticals)


Justice League of America v2 #8 & Countdown #50 - Scans are combined to give you an accurate portrayal of how the fight went down

Does quite well against an amnesiac Val Armor (aka Pre-Crisis Karate Kid, the greatest martial artist in 31st Century's DCU, here believing himself to be the super villain Trident with his skills intact) blocking his sneak attack, landing two powerful punches that draw blood, and very impressively withstand all his exotic attacks without going down despite Val also giving him a hernia in his right leg. We then see Batman cleverly distract Karate Kid so Black Lightning could come from behind and take him out to end their battle ASAP. Afterwards, we see Batman walking around just fine proving that he's able to work through the pain and was ready to go further had the fight continued


Held down and beaten on by a large group of super powered aliens so badly that he begins to bleed internally despite this he fights through the pain and breaks free from their hold with brute strength enabling him to stun them with his sonics and is then rescued by the Justice League (Batman Confidential #54)


During various bouts with Eddie Hurst who was granted high level magicial super strength, speed, and invulnerability by the Randori stone, he is able to take a huge amount of punishment and continue fighting despite being smashed against the ground, slammed against the wall, and taking a powerful punch until he's finally able to end the fight once Eddie's powerup started to wear off (Detective Comics #788)


Batman Superman #10 - Vs Titan Super Gladiator

- Just to give you an idea of how strong Titan Super Gladiator is, here he's shown powerful enough to smash Superman into the ground with a punch and hurt him


- Despite still being weakened and just coming out of coma, Batman still KOes the large & super strong alien in melee combat (Batman Superman #10)


Vs Brute - A large mindless monster (loosely based off Marvel's Hulk) with super strength and very strong durability

Just to give you an idea of how strong Brute is, here we see him drop Wonder Woman with one punch while she's distracted and has her badly hurt as a result at the time (Justice League America #79)


Withstands a surprise attack from Brute and is shown quickly right back on his feet and dominating their battle (Convergence Batman & Robin #2)


Still recovering from his injuries due to his previous battles and being bandaged up, he's suddenly surprise attacked out of no where by Wonder Woman flying through the window who tackles him from behind who then brutally slams his body into the ground and speeds off with him in flight. Impressively, he withstands this harsh punishment and recovers quickly enough to counter attack using gadgets from his utility belt (that he grabbed while being attacked) to briefly affect Wonder Woman who drops him as he then free falls and is seen breaking through a tree branch then roughly landing on the ground. Amazingly, not only is he still conscious but is seen moving around and plotting his next move (Batman v2 #35)
