
Stealth - Batman Disguises

Stealth - Disguises

How many and what kind of disguises does Batman/Bruce Wayne use or have? Showcasing feats that display Batman as being a true master of disguise to spy on people and gather information as shown in the comics.

Was trained by renown KGB agent Avery Oblonsky in disguise and espionage (Batman The Knight #5)


Is a master of disguise having also been trained by Alfred (former spy) in acting and has numerous identities he uses and maintains to gather information in the criminal underworld including his most well known one Matches Malone (Detective Comics #996)


Is known for being a master of disguise according to his own Justice League team mate Cyborg and can be anywhere (and anyone) without even him knowing it (Justice League #39)


Matches Malone Highlights:

- Has a perfect north Jersery accent (Nightwing #14)


- Showcasing how he prepares before he goes out as Matches Malone which includes carrying real and counterfeit dollar bills to keep up appearances plus a cologne that only Matches uses to make himself more believable and familiar to the common criminals he interacts with (Batman One Bad Day - Mr. Freeze)


- Showing up to a popular bar where criminals frequently visit we see him flawless passing as the seasoned Gotham criminal who everyone seems to know and trust plus we even see him singing briefly. He does such a good job that he's even able to get a criminal to freely give him information on Mr. Freeze's whereabouts (Batman One Bad Day - Mr. Freeze)


- Allowed himself to be taken to Belle Reve prison to spy and gather evidence on Amanda Waller and her secret Suicide Squad program then breaks himself out as Batman (Suicide Squad v1 #10)


- Infiltrates the famous underworld club known as the Iceberg Lounge by getting a guard/bouncer job working for the Penguin who he impresses (Gotham Underground #1)


- Allowed himself to be taken to Blackgate prison in order to search for clues while successfully maintaining his identity plus gaining the respect of everyone inside the prison who came to fear him (Gotham Underground #2)


- Has built up a very good reputation in the Gotham criminal underworld and has influence over other super villains/criminals as seen here where he vouches for other lesser known villains to get inside a criminal underground club (The Outsiders #50)


- Knocks out Bronze Tiger with a wooden bar stool saving Catwoman which surprises General Eiling aka The General since no one should've been able to do that to a very skilled fighter like Bronze Tiger (Outsiders #50)


Has setup an insane criminal identity known as Jack Shaw to personally study Arkham inmates closely (Arkham Manor #1-2)


Has setup another well known criminal identity within the criminal underworld as a private eye for criminals known as Nero Nykto aka The Night-Eye. We also see he's able to go undetected for any tech or equipment on him when body scanned despite having his Batsuit underneath his disguise (Batman Incorporated #6 2011)


He also has a well known English Lord identity known as Sir Hemingford as see here in his first appearance as the character and is shown interacting (and fighting) with the locals (Shadow of the Bat #22)


Dressing up as Santa Claus alongside his little helper (Robin/Dick Grayson) we see him taking out several criminals who planned on robbing the locals (Batman One Bad Day - Mr. Freeze)


Posing as a black GCPD cop being targeted by the Wrath in order to lure him out (Batman Confidential #13-14)


Even posing as an old asian lady without anyone noticing and coming to Talia's rescue (Batman Incorporated #2 2012)


Posing as a middle aged security consultant (Legends of the Dark Knight #4)


Poses as Two Face's older father and is successful in fooling him (Batman: Two Face - Crime And Punishment)


Posing as a successful well known old business man in a wheelchair without anyone suspecting him (Batman and the Outsiders #27)


Posing as a short old man gardener he infiltrates a secret assassin school in order to find out what was going on and to keep an eye on Batgirl (Stephanie Brown aka the former Robin) who he sent to work undercover inside the school (Batman Incorporated Leviathan Strikes)


Publicly posing as a famous Russian politician (even effortlessly speaking in Russian) being targeted by NVKDemon in order to lure him out (Batman #446)


Posing as former USA President Ronald Reagan and was so successful in doing it to the point where even the President's personal military guards didn't even notice the difference nor the meta human super villain (Fusion) targeting the President (The Outsiders #24 1985)


Posing as a super villain in order to fake Selina Kyle (Catwoman) and her daughter's death publicly (Catwoman #71 2002)


Able to fool even Deathstroke's ex-wife into thinking he was the real Deathstroke/Slade Wilson in order to gather information (Deathstroke #35 2016)


Posing as a soldier of Ra's Al Ghul's league of assassins to gather information, he's able to fool both Ra's and Talia Al Ghul despite both knowing him very well (JLA #45)


Posing as well known GCPD detective Harvey Bullock despite being affected by the Batman Who Laughs nightmare serum (The Batman Who Laughs #2)


Posing as Maxwell Lord while undercover on a Justice League mission (Justice League International #17 1988)


Posing as Hawkman having switched costumes with him and is even shown using his weapons to take out guards (Superman Batman #5)


Posing and successfully switching places with Martian Manhunter (who was posing as Batman in the same story while on another Earth) fooling not only his fellow leaguer team mates but also alien invaders who he successfully talks down from attacking earth (JLA #112-113)


Standing in for Superman, he's shown wearing a power armor body suit (that he created) that not only resembles Superman in appearance but even somewhat in power as he's shown quickly and easily taking out a giant sized Metallo (Superman Batman Annual #2)


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