The Dark Knight turns the tide of the battle between Starman (Will Payton) and Blockbuster II (a criminal mastermind who has meta human strength, stamina & durability, and has beaten down the super strong & durable Payton the previous issue) by gassing Blockbuster (Starman v1 #10)

With Robin's help, Batman quickly takes out Blockbuster (II) (Underworld Unleashed #3)

Vs Tezumak (JLA #66-67)
Battles the very formidable warrior known as Tezumak from the ancient past (3000 years) who wears highly advanced magical power armor coming off like a much more physically powerful version of Batman based on the way he fought and his brilliant strategic mind as noted by Batman himself when they fight (see examples below). As an example to prove how good/powerful he is, Flash (Wally West) speaks to J'onn how Tezumak managed to take Green Lantern and himself out

Taking out Martian Manhunter despite J'onn also using his telepathy and martian vision (which had no effect) plus showcasing his intelligence as he's able to weaponize/booby trap the amusement park they were in to use against the JLA

Batman is shown multitasking as he's busy dodging Tezumak (who as you can see is fast, skilled, & smart enough to anticipate even the Flash's super speed attacks) while analyzing his power armor for a weakness that he exposes by using Plastic Man (almost like a weapon) to cut off his oxygen successfully stopping him

Systemically defeats an Amazo prototype alongside Nightwing (Batman #637)

Batman #647:
1 - Along with Red Hood (aka Jason Todd, the former Robin II), Bats takes down temporarly the super-strong and very durable Captain Nazi (someone who was created to go toe to toe with Captain Marvel and member of "Luthor"'s Society of Supervillains) by using tactics he and Jason had practiced in the cave years ago

2 - When Count Vertigo (another member of the Society) ambushes them, Batman uses a clever tactic to escape the Count's power while formulating and starting to implement a plan to take him out

3 - With Red Hood's help, Batman executes said plan by having Hyena (a third member of the Society that Bats took out previously with a surprise attack) attacking Count Vertigo, then knock out Hyena himself with a batarang and is ready to handle Captain Nazi with a special (according to Jason's words) tranq gun, but Hood anticipates him by killing Nazi with a tazer

Cosmic Odyssey
A group of heroes including Batman is summoned to New Genesis by Highfather and Darkseid, the latter revealing that 4 aspects of the Anti-life entity are loose on this universe and, if they manage to destroy 4 key solar systems of the Milky Way, the whole galaxy will collapse. This would cause the Anti life entity to enter wholly our universe, which would ultimately results in its and the universe's destruction. So, the heroes are enlisted to stop the aspects. Batman and the New god Forager are assigned to protect Earth and its solar system. After some detective work, the 2 heroes catch up with the aspect and, under the Dark Knight's lead, the 2 stop the aspect and stop the bomb's countdown, temporarly saving the day (the aspect, though, later frees himself, manahandles the heroes and re-start the countdown, so Forager has to sacrify himself to save Earth)

Helps Wonder Woman get through to Aquaman in his devolved state despite being devolved himself and is still able to reason with the Sea King (JLA Primeval)

While teaming up with Green Lantern Hal Jordan, he formulates a plan to take out the Tattooed Man (one of his tattoos being powerful enough to tear apart a sky-scraper), then he and Hal implement said plan, beating the villain (Green Lantern v4 #9)

Action Comics #784
Batman, arriving to help Superman in handling the chaos in Metropolis during the "Last Laugh" debacle, reveals to him that the one responsible for the havoc is what appears to be a jokerized Green Lantern Kyle Rayner

Then, gets Supes out of a blast's way and starts implementing a plan, but Kal, being haunted by recollections of what happened in the "Emperor Joker" saga (memories erased from the Dark Knight's mind), freaks out, causing Kyle to teleport them away and Bats to figure out that something is amiss

Finally, Bats, alongside the Man of Steel, formulates a plan based on something he observed, and the 2 heroes implement it. In the end, Superman and Batman stop "Kyle", who is revealed by the Dark Knight as being, in reality, a construct from the real & unconscious Kyle Rayner's subconscious (as Bats deduced earlier)

Later, Superman reveals to Batman what happened during the "Emperor Joker" saga and that the Dark Knight's memories were taken away & given to the Man of Steel. Bats doesn't like to have had his mind altered, and has 2 missiles hit Supes when the latter tells Batman to hit him if it makes Bats feel better. But, then, the 2 talk things out and depart as friends

Bats formulates on the spot a plan to save the ship they are in from a dimensional shift and send E2 Deathstroke, Ultraman & Owlman back in their universe, then proceeds to take out mainstream Deathstroke exploiting the surprise factor while Supes implements the plan (Superman Batman Annual #1)

Batman battles alongside Superman against tactile holograms of the enemies they faced together and, upon deducing the real nature of the opponents, gives the Man Of Steel directions as to how take them out effectively (Superman & Batman #50)

Batman comes up with a plan to take out Composite Superman (an artificial being with the mixed DNA, weapons and abilities of Batman, Superman and other JLAers), successfully implemented by Superman and himself, thus causing the opponent to tear himself apart (literally) (Superman Batman Annual #3)

Battles a very powerful demon called Will O' the Wisp alongside Superman who holds the creature off just long enough for Batman to retrieve the written spell that summoned it then replicate it all over again to send it back from where it came (Batman v2 #20 - Backup Tale)

Blinds Killer Croc then stirs and controls his body by using multiple cable lines as if he were riding a wild beast and leads him to Clark Kent/Superman's location (who's powerless at the time) who in turn leads Killer Croc towards Bane who Croc then blindly attacks. We then see Batman finish the fight by blowing the ground underneath them while on the edge of a cliff causing them both to then crash into the deep water below (Batman Superman Annual #2)