Sunday, August 21, 2016

Update 78: All-Star Batman #1

Added feats from All-Star Batman #1 to the following Sections:

- Mobs/Teams (Battle Tactics) Section
- Strategy/Tactics (Enhanced/Super Powered/Meta Humans) Section
- Fear/Respect Section
- Stealth Section

I'll be working on posting even more recent feats throughout this week. Enjoy!


uzeem said...

Hi Phantom Ghost,

Our curators team at uzeem came across this page and realized that it is rich in content that relates to the, a topic which you seem to be as passionate about as we and our members are.

Help us tell the stories behind the items that make up Batman’s legacy- so we ensure that we together document videos, pictures, memorabilia, print and anything else that you find, a lot of which you already have on your site.

Visit, become a free member and give your knowledge and passion as a gift to the world. Our visitors, fans just like you, will thank you!

uzeem curators team

Farkhan Ramadhan said...


Anonymous said...


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