Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Dark Knight Returns!

Hey guys I know its been some years since I've updated this site sorry about that life got in the way but I do have more free time at the moment and plan on updating the site with new feats hopefully getting back into a set schedule for you guys. 

Plus, I'll be moving all the current images to a new server since most aren't working anymore so just bare with me on that. 

I'll be doing this over time so just be patient with me as I upgrade the site some you may notice some changes that I'm playing around with (let me know what you think). 

Also, be sure to vote in the new poll I setup on the side and tell me who your favorite Batman writer is of all time! 

Be sure to leave a comment and questions if you want to reach out to me. Thanks all! 


carversindile said...

I've been patiently waiting for you to come back every day for the past six/6 years and at minimum, I check this site out once a month (the last time I checked it was May 12, 2022, and I've just now checked it out again aka June 30, 2022).

Phantom Ghost said...

Sorry to keep you waiting life just caught up with me and I kept putting the site on the back burner until I finally realized just how much time had passed until I updated.

The good news is that I have been keeping up with comics all this time and whats been happening especially with Batman so I have YEARS of feats I'm ready to add to the site and will do that once I'm finished updating the current images so that they're all working again.

Once all the images are fixed on all the current pages, I'll be rearranging the site somewhat plus adding a brand new section called: Meta Batman which will showcase unique times and feats when Batman's gained super powers!

After I finally catch up on Batman I'll be focusing on Nightwing/Grayson site next.

So stay tuned.

carversindile said...

What about the Joker website? Aka

P.S. I followed you on Twitter with my Rerum Trading Twitter account.

Phantom Ghost said...

If there's enough requests from my audience/fans to redo the Joker website I'll do it but for now I have no plans to do anything with it. The main reason being that it doesn't get no where near as many views as the Batman or Nightwing site.

Appreciate the follow btw!